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Thou Shall Not: A Dark Ten Commandments Anthology
Thou Shall Not: A Dark Ten Commandments Anthology Read online
Thou Shall Not
A Dark Ten Commandments Anthology
Thou Shall Not: A Dark Ten Commandments Anthology
Formatting: Inkstain Imaginators
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information and retrieval system without permission from the author or publisher.
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.
Table of Contents
Title Page
Copyright Page
Thou Shall Not: A Dark Ten Commandments Anthology
The First Commandment
Self Made God
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
The Second Commandment
The Savior
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
The Third Commandment
Troubled Child
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
About The Author
The Fourth Commandment
Sinner & Saint
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
The Fifth Commandment
Rest In Peace
Rigor Mortis
Body Bag
Toe Tag
About the Author
The Sixth Commandment
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
The Seventh Commandment
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
The Eighth Commandment
Del Diablo
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
The Ninth Commandment
Perfect Denial
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
About the Author
The Tenth Commandment
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Note from the authors:
This is not a religious book. There are triggers, this has dark themes.
There are multiple sexual relationships outside of the traditional MF.
If this is not something you are comfortable with please stop reading.
The First Commandment
Thou shall have no other gods before me
Self Made God
The Sinners
Chapter One
The sound of people cheering echoes through the closed doors of the stadium; the vibrations of their stomping feet and clapping hands rattle the windows and walls. Both excitement and unease electrify the air like a lightning storm, and I soak up every ounce of it as if it gives me life.
This is it...this is what I have worked so hard to obtain.
Ultimate power.
“People are starting to riot, sire,” one of my loyal servants informs me, kneeling at my feet. His obedient lips kissing the ground I walk on. “They’re pleading for your presence... They’re calling you a God...”
“How many people are out there?” I ask, my mind flashing back to before I reinvented myself before I learned the secrets of magic and became this...God.
People of this town used to mock me; they threw stones at my face and kicked me when I fell. I was an orphan who was labeled as a rat and cast out like trash. The only thing that kept me going as I hopped from town to town, barely surviving, was the thought of revenge against the people who couldn’t find mercy for a lost boy. I dreamed of all the ways I would come back and tear this town apart... fires, poison, murder...the possibilities became endless as the nights became longer.
But then I met Judah, a blind man who had the gift of magic. For years I learned from him as he tricked and conned anyone who would give him a moment of their time. I took notes, memorizing what wowed the crowd, and perfecting what inspired them. It wasn’t long before I was drawing a crowd of my own.
Magic was unknown; new... it was otherworldly; godly... it was perfect for my revenge.
Once I knew how I was going to obtain vengeance, I came back to this town and hid in the shadows, learning every single weakness these people hold so I could perfect my plan.
And perfect it I did.
“Thousands, sire. Word has spread fast of the wonders you can do. The little show you put on at the market today was something these people have never seen before. I think the whole town has shown up.”
I can’t stop the devilish smile that creeps across my face. “Then let’s not keep them waiting.”
The sun momentarily blinds me as the doors open before me but as I enter onto the shaded balcony the crowd below comes into view.
The servant wasn’t lying. As the people take notice of my arrival their panicked cheering becomes almost too much for my ears to handle. No one recognizes the skinny helpless child they tortured and kicked to the streets. No one realizes exactly wha
t hell I’m about to bring into this town.
No... all they naively see is someone who they believe who holds unthinkable power, who can bring riches to their land with a wave of his hand, and who can heal the sick with a few whispered words.
Oh, how easily they are swayed to follow me instead of their one true God...
Raising my arms wide I signal for them all to be silent. And as if I truly do hold the power, they do.
What was once a deafening roar is now nothing more than crickets chirping in the distance.
“I am Atlas, father of creation, and your one true God.” Gasps and cries ensue as I flip their world upside down.
“Liar!” Fists pump wildly in the air as their questions fly rapidly at me.
“Prove it!”
“Why are you here?”
“Show us!” The questions and commands come faster and louder, each one working up the next until the place is in chaos once again.
Let the fun begin...
Raising my arms again, I activate one of my tricks allowing sparks and smoke to fly from my hands. The unsettled mob turns into awed panic, likely wondering if they should run or not.
Letting the sparks die out, I drop my hands. “I have come before you in search of one worthy enough to hold the power I possess, someone who can withstand all sins and rule this town while I move to another.”
Fear and hesitation fills the air with silence. They don’t understand and are uncertain of my intentions. Power of the Gods? What could that mean? Immortality? Wealth? I can see the questions in their eyes as if they are actually being spoken, but they are all stunned silent, on the border of believing what’s happening.
Time for the final push...
Nodding my head, I give the signal.
“If you are truly the God you claim to be, then prove it!” a frail and raspy voice booms from the stunned silence, causing everyone to turn to the source. A frail man hunched over with age pushes through the crowd, his walking stick guiding the path he can’t see. “I’m blind and sick. If you’re so powerful, then heal me!” he shouts before nearly collapsing in a fit of coughs.
“What’s your name, sir?” I ask.
“Close your eyes, Judah.” Waiting until his lids cover his rolled back and unfocused eyes, I raise my hands to the heavens and let the sparks and smoke fly again, chanting a few words that echo across the stadium.
Once finished, I give my attention back to the man. “Look to me, Judah,” I order.
Blinking a couple of times, he opens his eyes and glances around. No longer are they rolled to the back of his head. Shock and awe spread through the crowd. “I can see!” Judah cries. Placing his hand on his back, he straightens to his full height. “I’m healed!”
It only takes a few seconds before the crowd erupts.
“Heal me!”
“Save me!”
“I want to be worthy!”
“Pick me, my Lord!”
“I will rule this town!”
And this is where it begins.
“Who is willing to be put to the test of worth?” I ask, working up the already energized town.
Hands shoot up, and cries of “Me!” are heard for miles.
“What are you willing to do for such power?”
“Anything!” “Everything!”
“You will be put through seven challenges. Challenges that will prove your purity – as only one who is holy can harness the power of God. But heed my words, these challenges are deadly...they are sinful. You must withhold from temptation or die. There is no second chance or forgiveness once you start the challenges.”
“What are the challenges?” someone asks.
“Lust! Gluttony! Greed! Sloth! Wrath! Envy and Pride! You’ll be forced to face a challenge that pertains to each sin. Those who pass one will move onto the others until those worthy are left standing.”
“And what if no one wins?” the same person questions.
“Then you all die...”
Chapter Two
I scoff. This man is nothing more than a scam artist and the town’s people are spooning it up as if it’s hearty soup on a cold day. Standing in line, I wait for him to ‘give me a sin’. I know I can overcome them all without question. I’ll show them all he isn’t a God, but I am.
“Greed!” he calls out, gathering the attention of everyone standing around.
That’s easy enough to overcome, I have never wanted for anything in my life. I’m a millionaire, the richest person in this dump of a town, the one they should all be praising instead of him. Taking the slip of paper from his servant, I read over the script. Greed is a sin against God, just as all mortal sins, in as much as man condemns things eternal for the sake of temporal things. I have a week to prove myself worthy.
“Do not fail,” the servant instructs.
Pocketing the paper, I turn to leave, an extra pep in my step at how close I am to achieving the status I wasn’t aware I wanted until just now. Stepping into my home, I glance at all the possessions I own, this will be far easier than I imagined. Making my way up to my room, I pause as a knock sounds at the door. No one should be here this late, I don’t like company and everyone knows this. Stalking to the front door, I open it ready to lay into whoever it is. I pause when I see the man who calls himself Atlas.
“Can I help you?” I question, irritation causing my words to come out sharply.
Stepping inside, he motions for the other man to follow. I watch as he directs him to grab this and that from my home, the other making notes along the way. I don’t understand until they stop and knocking sounds again.
“What is going on?”
Men pile in one after the next and set about removing my belongings. I understand now. He means to break me by taking my things, meaning I will need to replace them before the week’s end. I’m stronger than that, however. I will not fail. I will be the one true God.
IT’S BEEN THREE DAYS since they came in, three days and I have barely kept my calm. Not only have they taken my belongings but they have given them to the needy at the shelter. Those were artifacts I acquired during my many trips around the world. Things that can not be replaced. Fuming, I watch as yet another person touches what doesn’t belong to them, as the small children grab for the statues only to drop them. Glaring, I stalk away from the free for all. Someone needs to fix this mess, I can’t be the richest person if I have no riches to show.
“Josiah, are you well?” Atlas calls to me from the side of the road, a grin spreading across his face.
Nodding, I shove my hand back into my pocket and turn in his direction. “I’m doing wonderfully. I feel lighter already.”
I chuckle as his face falls. I will call my accountant on the way home to be sure my money is still untouched by this man, and to replace my things. No one will ever know what I am doing if they don’t come into my home again. Before the end of today, I will have everything returned to me. My riches and my title, even if I must kill Atlas to get it.
Chapter Three
Josiah was weak. He was one step away from costing me the title and power of a God. I had to stop the imbecilic fool from ruining things. So, I slit his throat and left him behind, completing the first challenge myself.
One sin conquered, six more to defeat.
Shortly after, one of Atlas’ soldiers ushers me into a room away from the other participants. Looking around I take in everything the room holds. Various implements for inflicting pain surround me. The soldier stands guard just inside the doorway, blocking my exit. He has an eerie grin plastered on his face.
“I’m going to enjoy this next part. This is where you fail, and failure means death. But not before I have a little fun,” he tells me.
Before I can respond and put him in his place, Atlas’ voice booms through the room, “Congratulations on completing the first challenge and moving on to round two. For this challenge
, you may notice that you’ve been separated from the others. The rooms you stand in are all different. They have been tailored to each participant’s unique and addictive personality. Inside each room is a glutton’s dream; whether it be sex, food, pain, even women’s lingerie. You will need to endure the next twenty-four hours with your personal gluttony, without overindulging. Take it too far, give in excessively and you fail. Remember, if you fail, you die. Good luck. Your time begins now.” Atlas’ booming laugh echoes through the room even after he’s finished taunting us.
So, Gluttony is the sin to resist this round. Shouldn’t be too hard.
I walk over to a chair positioned on the opposite side of the room from the door. Taking a seat, I size up the room again, wondering exactly how Atlas plans to test me. I don’t have to wait long to find out. The soldier wanders the room, circling and touching the many implements. I stiffen in my seat when he walks around me. I don’t know what he’s doing but his grin from earlier tells me he already has a plan.
A sharp pinprick of pain radiates from my neck and I reach a hand up to the spot. When I pull it away, I see a small drop of blood. I turn to glare at him, but my vision turns hazy.
“What the fuck did you do?”
“Just gave you a shot of something to help numb the pain?” The soldier’s laugh sounds suspiciously similar to that of Atlas.
“I’m not in any pain, asshole,” I manage to grit out.
“Not yet, but you will be.”
Whatever he gave me isn’t strong enough to knock me out, but it’s weakened my reflexes. It’s impossible to fight him off as he carries me to a chain hanging from the ceiling in the center of the room. He makes quick work of cuffing my hands and looping them over a hook attached to the chain.
He walks to the wall and flips a switch. My feet drag across the floor as the chain rises until I can barely touch my toes to the concrete.
“Atlas prepared me well this last week. While you were off fulfilling your first challenge, I’ve been preparing to become your downfall.” He grabs a knife and begins to cut away the fabric of my shirt. “By the way, my name’s Cain and I can’t wait to hear you scream it.”
The fog in my brain is clearing but not fast enough. I have trouble deciphering his meaning. Why would I scream his name?